
eBook: OKR Journey in Practice

  • R$ 51,00

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Antonio Muniz

Autor best-seller, empreendedor, mentor executivo e palestrante. Atua como CEO da Advisor 10X, consultoria técnica e acadêmica que ajuda empresas a multiplicarem resultados aplicando práticas ágeis, DevOps e Lean.

Sua formação tem uma base multidisciplinar em negócios, tecnologia e liderança, com mestrado em administração, MBA em telecomunicações, graduação em tecnologia e certificações em agilidade, tecnologia Lean, projetos, processos e serviços.

É fundador da Jornada Colaborativa, comunidade que une especialistas e executivos para escrever livros sobre tecnologia, gestão e carreira. Como iniciativa voluntária, a Jornada Colaborativa doou centenas de livros para desempregados e mais de R$ 500 mil para instituições, somando os direitos autorais e a receita dos eventos em parceria com a Globo, Lojas Renner, Banco PAN, Banco Carrefour, Businessmap e Dynatrace.

Os royalties deste livro também serão doados para a Jornada Colaborativa.


LinkedIn: Antonio Muniz

Instagram: Antoniomunizoficial

Spotify: AgileTechCast

English version:

Inspired more than 30,000 people and teams in MBA courses, bootcamps, video classes, workshops, consulting and lectures in leading companies such as SulAmérica, Petrobras, Vivo, Itaú, Oi, Furnas, Eletrobras, DHL, Banco do Brasil, Banco Safra, Banco PAN, Ernst & Young, Finep, Sebrae, UOL, Pagseguro, Makro, Totvs, Jucesp, Ambev Tech and Dafiti.
Carla Krieger

Mais de 25 anos de experiência em TI, trabalhando em cargos executivos de tecnologia por 14 anos. Experiência profissional em empresas nacionais e internacionais, liderando diversos programas de transformação digital e ágil e trabalhando com práticas híbridas e implantação de DevOpsNominating Comittee Chair DA Champion do PMI-Rio. Agile Coach no Hub Digital da Globo e mentora da startup Kultua.

English version:
Enterprise Agile Coach at Globo’s Digital Hub VMO, Head of Business and Culture and JornadaCast at Jornada Colaborativa, Trustee at Access Agile Community, DA Trainer and Host of Agile World in Portuguese. Co-author of several books, teacher and speaker. Passionate about people and learning, she is always ready to explore new ways of working that encourage a collaborative environment, with diversity, delivering value and results according to a purpose.

Victor Pericles Machado Patané
Agilista e entusiasta de metodologias ágeis, há mais de 10 anos vem testando formas de fazer com que as pessoas exercitem a arte do trabalho com consenso e em equipe através de métodos e processos que visam integrar ideias.

English version:
Agilist and enthusiast of agile methodologies, for more than 10 years he has been testing ways to make people exercise the art of working with consensus and as a team through methods and processes that aim to integrate ideas.

Walther Krause
Engenheiro mecânico (UFRJ), Mestrado IAG (PUC/RJ). PMP, Lean SixSigma Green Belt e SAFe®. Diretor de Riscos Empresariais Claro e Ex-Presidente do PMI Rio. Coordenador da ABNT. Autor de livros sobre PMO, governança e agilidade.

English version:
Mechanical engineer at UFRJ, with a master’s degree from IAG PUC/RJ. PMP, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and SAFe®. Claro Corporate Risk Manager and former president of PMI Rio. ABNT coordinator. Author of books on PMO, governance and agility.

Werther Krause

Engenharia Mecânica (UFRJ), MSc Ciência da Computação (PUC/RJ), MBA (Stephen Ross School of Business), Strategic Innovation Throughout the Value Chain (MIT/IMD). Múltiplas certificações de gestão de projetos preditivos e adaptativos e governança. Possui mais de 20 anos de experiência em estratégia/negócios.

English version:
Mechanical Engineering (UFRJ), MSc Computer Science (PUC/ RJ), MBA (Stephen Ross School of Business), Strategic Innovation Throughout the Value Chain (MIT/IMD). Multiple certifications for predictive and adaptive project management and governance. He has over 20 years of experience in strategy/business.

eBook: OKR Journey in Practice: Joining practices and experiences to enhance results

Learn concepts and practices in OKR with the experiences of 42 people leading the adoption of OKRs in various sectors of the Brazilian and international market.

Learn about the challenges and best practices in a journey of OKR implementation.

“In this work, another goal of this fantastic initiative called Jornada Colaborativa, we have a deepening of the concepts, context-based applications and, mainly, real market cases, which will surely help you in this VUCA/BANI world where short-term objectives are increasingly necessary.” - Vitor Massari, preface

A Jornada Colaborativa

Together we are smarter and more lives are transformed!

Once upon a time there was a university professor who dreamed of releasing a book when he finished his master’s degree in 2007.

After some ideas for publication on topics such as Microsoft certification, project management and service management, the dream began to be fulfilled in 2017 with the book “Jornada DevOps” (DevOps Journey), but some obstacles stopped its evolution after the definition of the final structure for the official EXIN certification and the writing of three chapters.

In September 2018, during a lecture at PUC Minas, a click emerged: “would other people passionate about DevOps help with collaborative writing?” Dozens of people accepted the invitation and the book was released to 350 people on June 6, 2019 at the SulAmérica Convention Center in Rio de Janeiro, after intense coordinated work with people from several cities who had never worked together before.

After this successful experience with many learning experiences, the team’s escalation created great friendships, new initiatives and a donation of R$ 251,500.00 to institutions, with 11 books launched.

We dream of transforming more lives with collective intelligence and the support of friendly companies...

Antonio Muniz
Founder of Jornada Colaborativa, organization and curation of 20 books.

Carla Krieger
Organizing team leader for the book, curating and technical review.

Adriana Brandão
Alessandro Seixas
Antonio Muniz
Bruna Milare
Bruno Tadeu França
Bruno Tarsis
Bruno Urakawa
Carla Krieger
Carlos Eduardo R. Cruz
Dani Dias
Daniel Moro
Eriveldo Madureira
Fabio Cruz
Fernando Fernandes
Flavia Silva
Francisco Medeiros
Gabriel Francisco Pistillo Fernandes
Hermann Rego
Jamile Marques
Júnior Rodrigues
Leandro Mattoso
Leonardo Santos
Luciana Moreira
Luiz Eduardo Labriola
Márcia Maximiano
Marcos Afonso Dias
Maria Angélica Castellani
Maria Heloiza Rodrigues Magrin
Marília Maragno
Marlon Bastida
Pedro Signorelli
Queli Silva
Rafael Vilela
Renata de Podestá Gaspar
Roberta Altermann
Rodrigo do Vale
Ronaldo Menezes
Victor Patané
Walther Krause
Werther Krause
Yuri Bilinski Escarião
Yussif Barcelos Dutra









20 de setembro de 2022







1. The history of OKR (Marlon Bastida/Hermann Rego/Márcia Maximiano)
Where it all began…
How to set an OKR?
2. Why use OKRs? (Walther Krause)
What are the OKR differentiators?
The OKR structure
Examples of an OKR
OKRs are aspirational and seek engagement
Why companies prefer OKR
3. OKR and agility (Yuri Bilinski Escarião/Gabriel Francisco Pistillo Fernandes)
4. OKRs in digital transformation (Maria Heloiza Rodrigues Magrin/Leonardo Santos)
Key results
5. Understanding metrics and indicators (Marília Maragno)
Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
Relationship between BSC and OKR
Metrics or indicators
          Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
          Monitoring KPIs
          Marketing metrics
          Vanity metrics
Relationship between KPIs and OKRs
Goal plan x metrics plan
Planning and follow-up
6. Planning the deployment of OKRs (Luiz Eduardo Labriola)
Objective (O)
Key Results (KR)
Main characteristics of a good OKR
Implementing OKRs in your company
          1. Adapt the methodology to your context and needs
          2. Start small and in stages
          3. Divide objectives into top-down and bottom-up
          4. Define a purpose with clear and specific goals
          5. Define short cycles and the definition cadence for the next OKR
          6. Have a leader and multipliers
          7. Make OKRs in plain sight
          8. Don’t confuse efforts and results
7. OKR Sprint (Carla Krieger/Renata de Podestá Gaspar)
Strategic planning
8. Boosting culture and engagement (Bruno Urakawa)
Engagement is necessary!
Are we engaged?
Adjusted and engaged in culture
How to generate engagement with OKRs?
          1. Translate the strategic path
          2. Embody the values
          3. Influence positively
          4. Recognize the differences
          5. Empower your talents
9. Autonomy in OKRs (Jamile Marques)
10. Understanding the company context (Fábio Cruz/Luciana Moreira)
Analyzing the company context
11. Customer Focus: OKRs and BPM (Rafael Vilela)
12. Creating OKRs (Ronaldo Menezes/Queli Silva)
What to consider before you start writing your OKRs?
How to write good objectives?
How to write good key results?
Hot to write good initiatives?
What is the difference between a KR and a KPI?
How to calculate the progress of your OKRs? (based on the IKAR method)
Good check-in meetings
13. Creating alignment between teams (Marcos Afonso Dias/Yussif Barcelos Dutra)
Putting strategy into practice
Tactical OKRs and teams
14. Facilitation dynamics and techniques (Maria Heloiza Rodrigues Magrin/Francisco Medeiros/Dani Dias)
The first step is to have an inspiring purpose
The second step is to transform this purpose into a strategic objective
The third step is the decomposition of the strategic objective into tactical objectives
The fourth step is the decomposition of each tactical objective into key results
15. How to work OKRs and goals in the organization (Marília Maragno/Fernando Fernandes)
Organizational goals
Traditional goals vs OKRs
Individual performance vs OKRs
Remuneration risks linked to OKR
How to avoid the risks
16. Enabling and training is essential (Fernando Fernandes/Bruno Tarsis)
The KSA for an OKR culture
And why empowering and training is essential?
17. Main failures in the implementation of OKRs (Bruna Milare/Queli Silva/Bruno Tadeu França)
Define your OKRs well
Set cadences
Define roles and responsibilities
Train your collaborators
More failures in implementing OKRs
18. OKRs don’t match command and control (Júnior Rodrigues)
The command and control culture
Leadership and empowerment in decision making
OKRs to lead strategically in an agile way
19. OKRs for personal goals (Francisco Medeiros/Alessandro Seixas)
20. The OKR lifecycle (Victor Patané)
21. How to know if we are close to the objective (Adriana Brandão)
22. Keeping OKRs alive (Flavia Silva)
1. Follow-up of results
2. Breakdown of OKRs into initiatives/tasks
3. Working with key performance indicators (KPI)
4. Be open to adaptations
5. Have a leader and some champions
6. Team recognition
7. Stimulate continuous improvement
23. The engagement power of OKR (Dani Dias)
But what does engagement mean?
And what aspects are evaluated for this rating on engagement?
Actions that favor the engagement of people at work
          1. Having a well-defined, clear and transparent business strategy for employees
          2. Having clear objectives and goals to achieve the strategy, knowing where you are and where you want to go
          3. Involving the teams, stimulating the process of joint construction to achieve results
          4. Strengthening the purpose of the activity performed by each employee
          5. Making it clear what is expected of the team through continuous feedback
          6. Having an individual development plan with learning opportunity
An OKR culture and engagement
24. OKR at all levels (Bruno Tadeu França)
What are OKR levels? And how to define them at company levels?
Enterprise-level OKRs
Department level OKRs
Cross-functional team-level OKRs
Individual OKRs
Now, what is the best practice?
25. The OKR leader’s competencies in managing goals and results (Adriana Brandão)
26. Market approaches (Roberta Altermann)
27. JornadaCast Cases (Carla Krieger)
Appendix A. FAQ
Appendix B. Book experiments (Carla Krieger)
Dedication and acknowledgments
About the authors and curators

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Etiquetas: OKR Journey in Practice, OKR, Journey, Journey in Practice, Jornada Colaborativa, Antonio Muniz, Carla Krieger, Adriana Brandão, Alessandro Seixas, Bruna Milare, Bruno Tadeu França, Bruno Tarsis, Bruno Urakawa, Carlos Eduardo R. Cruz, Dani Dias, Daniel Moro, Eriveldo Madureira, Fabio Cruz, Fernando Fernandes, Flavia Silva, Francisco Medeiros, Gabriel Francisco Pistillo Fernandes, Hermann Rego, Jamile Marques, Júnior Rodrigues, Leandro Mattoso, Leonardo Santos, Luciana Moreira, Luiz Eduardo Labriola, Márcia Maximiano, Marcos Afonso Dias, Maria Angélica Castellani, Maria Heloiza Rodrigues Magrin, Marília Maragno, Marlon Bastida, Pedro Signorelli, Queli Silva, Rafael Vilela, Renata de Podestá Gaspar, Roberta Altermann, Rodrigo do Vale, Ronaldo Menezes, Victor Patané, Walther Krause, Werther Krause, Yuri Bilinski Escarião, Yussif Barcelos Dutra